SYNTCOMP 2023 Results

The results of the 2023 edition of SYNTCOMP are in. First, we give a list of the winners for each one of the tracks ran this year: Parity games, LTL, and finite-word LTL. Then, we give more details about running times and scores as well as some graphs (showing only the best configuration per tool, i.e. the one that solved the most benchmarks). Finally, we link to the participants of the competition.

All graphs and tables were obtained as described here. The data used comes from the StarExec jobs. All data, scripts, benchmarks, and (binaries of the) tools are archived as a Zenodo artifact here. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participants!

The winners

Parity games

  • Sequential realizability: Knor
  • Parallel realizability: Knor
  • Sequential synthesis: ltlsynt
  • Parallel synthesis: Knor
  • Sequential synthesis (quality): Strix
  • Parallel synthesis (quality): Strix


  • Sequential realizability: Strix
  • Parallel realizability: Strix
  • Sequential synthesis: Strix
  • Parallel synthesis: Strix
  • Sequential synthesis (quality): Strix
  • Parallel synthesis (quality): Strix


  • Sequential realizability: Nike
  • Parallel realizability: Nike

Parity game Realizability

Solver Configuration Solved (seq/par) CPU time (s) Wallclock time (s)
Knor repair real_tl 876/876 1035.45 648.11
Strix PGAME hoa_realizability_parallel 800/835 61377.20 65541.26
Strix PGAME hoa_realizability_sequential 802/802 50668.25 49536.76
ltlsynt pgreal 733/733 39810.50 39811.10

Parity game Synthesis

Solver Config Solved (seq/par) CPU time (s) Wallclock (s) Score (seq/par)
Knor repair synt_sym 282/282 3257.02 3257.45 439.37/439.37
Knor repair synt_sym_abc 283/283 3846.52 3568.78 489.49/489.49
Knor repair synt_tl 272/272 9.66 9.25 289.48/289.48
Strix PGAME hoa_synthesis_parallel 285/285 4596.27 4359.80 554.48/554.48
Strix PGAME hoa_synthesis_sequential 284/284 4562.27 4350.23 552.65/552.65
ltlsynt pgsynt 292/292 1687.63 1672.48 464.30/464.30
ltlsynt pgsyntabc1 294/294 1718.05 1720.58 504.33/504.33

LTL Realizability

Solver Configuration Solved (seq/par) CPU time (s) Wallclock time (s)
SPORE ltl-real-recpar-bdd-seq 479/479 30222.87 30201.10
SPORE ltl-real-recpar-fbdd-32-nodecomp-seq 666/666 35025.32 34928.26
SPORE ltl-real-recpar-fbdd-32-seq 588/588 31316.82 31223.80
SPORE ltl-real-recpar-fbdd-64-nodecomp-seq 660/660 30986.12 30956.60
SPORE ltl-real-recpar-fbdd-64-seq 600/600 33176.62 33168.87
Strix ltl_real_acd_bfs 914/914 31507.38 31516.81
Strix ltl_real_zlk_bfs 921/921 34268.65 34271.52
Strix ltl_real_zlk_pq 948/948 35447.26 35409.72
abonsai real 703/716 26947.08 26005.19
ltlsynt23 segrealacd 845/845 39379.60 39370.62
ltlsynt23 segrealds 809/809 32401.23 32353.34
ltlsynt23 segreallar 845/845 35477.35 35460.15
sdf real 782/786 23287.54 24888.38
sdf real_p 709/723 36894.35 39242.12

LTL Synthesis

Solver Config Solved (seq/par) CPU time (s) Wallclock (s) Score (seq/par)
Otus otus-ltl-synthesis-parallel-sylvan 330/332 7791.82 3340.19 264.98/266.96
Otus otus-ltl-synthesis-sequential-jbdd 327/327 2248.72 2235.18 265.37/265.37
Strix ltl_synth_acd_bfs 472/472 11715.48 11701.96 863.33/863.33
Strix ltl_synth_zlk_bfs 490/490 15849.71 15805.41 895.74/895.74
Strix ltl_synth_zlk_pq 488/488 12977.18 12917.15 888.37/888.37
abonsai synt 382/385 11886.38 7609.35 573.52/578.05
ltlsynt23 segsyntacdabc 416/416 9392.32 9395.10 573.13/573.13
ltlsynt23 segsyntdsabc 412/412 5319.05 5313.80 614.11/614.11
ltlsynt23 segsyntlarabc 413/413 9472.05 9456.58 559.24/559.24
sdf synt 415/417 4007.84 5611.84 493.06/496.44
sdf synt_p 381/383 12838.66 11905.57 431.96/435.34

LTLf Realizability

Solver Configuration Solved (seq/par) CPU time (s) Wallclock time (s)
LydiaSyft 255/255 3885.47 3890.82
LydiaSyft 255/255 3964.93 3969.52
Nike bdd_ff 264/264 4621.82 4617.48
Nike bdd_random 235/235 40752.96 40766.24
Nike bdd_tt 260/260 5832.94 5820.82
Nike default 269/269 6383.23 6364.09
Nike hash_random 177/177 30639.28 30647.51
Nike hash_tt 266/266 9680.75 9678.20
lisa-syntcomp 225/225 7078.87 7081.29
lisa-syntcomp 206/206 9674.94 9664.04
lisa-syntcomp 205/205 9147.83 9152.23
ltlfsynt23prebuild segltlfrealbase 85/85 18451.05 18453.08
ltlfsynt23prebuild segltlfrealopt 85/85 18422.37 18415.12
ltlfsynt23prebuild segltlfsyntbase 85/85 18555.46 18540.76
ltlfsynt23prebuild segltlfsyntopt 85/85 18503.75 18505.74
tople default 147/147 15514.12 15523.45

Benchmarks and Solvers

The set of benchmarks used in 2023 can be fetched from the usual repository.

Below, you will find information regarding the participating solvers, their
source code, license type, and links to their most recent reports or preferred
publications to be cited in case you use the tool in your academic work.

Solver Source repo License Report to cite
ltlsynt GitLab repo GPL-3.0+
Acacia bonsai GitHub repo GPL-3.0 Paper
Knor GitHub repo GPL-3.0 arXiv report
sdf GitHub repo MIT arXiv report
Nike GitHub repo AGPL v3.0 arXiv report
LydiaSyft GitHub repo AGPL v3.0 report
Lisa GitHub repo GPL v3.0 arXiv report
tople Custom: all rights reserved Contact authors